We submitted the original referral package in early January 2005 and received a "Log In Date" (LID) of 1/25/05.

The normal wait between LID and receipt of a referral had been running 6 months, but some people were having to wait 7 months.

We weren't sure if we'd get "The Call" from our adoption agency (FTIA) FTIA in July.

On July 28, "The Call" came around 3PM. We had a daughter!

On July 30, FedEx brought the referral "package", including pictures of our daughter along with more paperwork to be completed ASAP.

FedEx Truck Bringing The Referral! FTIA Announcement

The Meaning and Pronunciation of Her Name

Her Chinese name is Gui Yu Guang.

Gui: Surname given by the orphanage (rhymes with "Gray")
Yu: jade (rhymes with "You")
Guang: extensive or broad (pronounced "gwang", said quickly)

Growth and Development Report on Gui Yu Guang

Gui Yu Guang, female, was found next to the wall of Taogong Temple, Changsha County on May 27,2004. The Langli District Police Station brought her to our institute. When she first came, she was wearing a blue cotton coat with a floral pattern and a pair of black padded pants. No note or other items were found with her. Base on her development, we determined her date of birth to be May 25,2004. Her entry checkup showed: she was 50 cm in length and weighed 3.3 kg. Her head circumference was 33 cm and her chest circumference was 34 cm.

Gui Yu Guang has received delicate care from our caretakers, Gui Yu Guang is now 69 cm in height and 8.5 kg in weight. Her head circumstance is 42 cm and chest circumstance is 42 cm. When she was one month old, she would cry when she was hungry or her diaper was wetted. 'When she was three months old, she was more active and loved to laugh. She was cooperative when her caretakers were feeding her. When she was six months old, she could pass a toy in her hands when she was lying in her crib. She has received group care in our institute and has a daily routine. She gets up at 7:00am, takes a nap at 12:00pm and goes to bed at 9:00pm. She now eats 4 times a day. She eats a mixture of formula and rice cereal or noodles at 7:30am. She eats rice, ground meat, vegetable puree, soup, etc. at 11:30am and 4:30pm, about a small bowl each time. She eats the mixture at 8:30pm, about 300ml per time. She eats supplementary foods such as fruit, cookies, etc. at 10:00am and 3:00pm. She sleeps soundly at night. She defecates usually one time a day and urinates several times a day.

Guang Yu has healthy skin, pretty facial appearance and a pair of especially fascinating eyes. She is outgoing, active and loves to laugh. She can sit and crawl by herself. She can move around when she sits in her walker. She can raise her head and smile at her caretakers when she sees them. She babbles with "Da, Da" sounds, as if she is asking her caretaker "could you hold me and play with me?" She will kick her feet and wave her hands when her caretakers move her quilt away. She likes to play toys with other children in the playroom. She likes to sit on a toy car. She likes to play with colorful and noisy toys.

     Director of Institute (Seal) Changsha City No.1 Social Welfare Institute April 26, 2005

For more Pictures of Miss Zoe Yuguang Johnson, see: Zoe Referral Pics

Referral Update! New Pictures Added 8/15/05 & 8/22/05!

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© 2005
Jeff Johnson
No photos or text may be copied
or used without written permission.