Pictures Updated 8/25/07....

Pics From Summer 2007

Doesn't he look excited?
Here Alan is, ready for the first day of 3rd grade. You can tell that he's hardly able to contain the excitement. Right??

Harry Potter cake
He just turned 9 years old, and had a Harry Potter birthday cake.

Fishing at the wilderness survival campout
Alan and I went to a Wilderness Survival campout, sponsored by the local MetroParks. The kids (aged 8-16) all had a blast, and got to try their hand at catching some bluegills. Here Alan is, using his high-tech fishing pole.

Fire is cool!
Alan tending (OK, playing with) the fire...

Trimming saplings
Alan's helping more & more around the house. Here he is, chopping down some baby saplings that were growing up against the rear of our house. Of course, Miss Zoe had to go outside & see what he was doing...

Hey!  You missed one over there!
HEY! You missed one over there!

Oh, hi there!
Oh, hi there!

Yes, I am a ham!
Yes, I am a ham!

Waving for their adoring fans
Waving for their adoring fans...

All Dora'd out..
Poor Zoe...all Dora'd out. Supervising Alan can sure take it out of a girl.

Pony ride!
Time for a pony ride.

Flapper or Flower Child
Flapper or Flower Child - you tell me!

At Picnic
Zoe & Dyanne at the Brookville Community Picnic.

I'm cold!
You can tell that she's dressed for the warm weather, can't you?

A Very Brave Squirrel
This squirrel is VERY brave. He was zipping around the back yard, while there were a couple Coopers hawks just across the creek, sitting up in the maple trees.

Hawk 1
I think this is a juvenile Coopers hawk. There were three of them in the trees behind our house, for at least a month. We don't hear them now, so they've probably moved on.

Two hawks on the fence
Two of the hawks, sitting on the fence in our back yard.

Baby Bunny
This little guy was resting in the shade by our back yard garden hose. He must have gotten brave and tried to cross the open ground. The last I saw (& heard) a hawk had him & was headed for the trees. Bye, bye bunny wabbit!

Green Mouth
I don't know the name of the candy, but it's a package containing a candy stick you lick, then dip into powdered colored sugary mess, then lick it all off. Yum, yum, yum. Can you guess the color of the powdered candy?

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Last updated 8.25.2007